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as_number(optional) Set to true to automatically set a number mask based on the given or inherited locale.
as_percent(optional) Set to true to automatically set a number mask with a percentage sign based on the given or inherited locale.
as_currency(optional) Set to true to use NOK or give it a currency code e.g. USD to automatically set a currency mask based on the given or inherited locale.
mask_options(optional) Use it to manipulate internal masks. You can use it instead of e.g. number_mask or curreny_mask. All options are listed below.
number_mask(optional) Set to true to enable the default numbers formatting – or give an object containing the number mask properties. More details below. Can be a JSON string as well, containing the number mask properties. Is disabled by default.
currency_mask(optional) Set to true or set the valuta (currency_mask="kr") to enable a custom currency mask – or give an object containing the number mask properties. More details below. Can be a JSON string as well, containing the number mask properties. Is disabled by default. Defaults to kr.
number_format(optional) Use an object with NumberFormat e.g. { omit_rounding: false }.
locale(optional) Define the locale to be used in the as_number or as_currency masked. It will be inherited from the Eufemia Provider if not given. Defaults to nb-NO.
mask(optional) A mask can be defined both as a RegExp style of characters or a callback function. Example below.
show_mask(optional) Show mask when input is empty and has no focus. Defaults to false.
show_guide(optional) When false is given, it doesn't print out placeholder characters and only adds mask characters when the user reaches them as they're typing. Defaults to true.
placeholder_char(optional) The placeholder character represents the fillable spot in the mask (e.g. _). Defaults to invisible space.
keep_char_positions(optional) When true, adding or deleting characters will not affect the positions of existing characters. Defaults to false.
Input(optional) all Input properties are supported.

Number mask properties

The number mask is used for all kinds of number based masks, like:

Locale based masks:

  • as_number
  • as_currency
  • as_percent

Static masks:

  • number_mask
  • currency_mask

You can mask_options to manipulate the options.

Defaults to Norwegian number format.

prefix(string): What to display before the amount. Defaults to an empty string.
suffix(string): What to display after the amount. Defaults to an empty string.
includeThousandsSeparator(boolean): Whether or not to separate thousands. Defaults to to true.
thousandsSeparatorSymbol(string): Character with which to separate thousands. Defaults to ' '.
allowDecimal(boolean): Whether or not to allow the user to enter a fraction with the amount. Defaults to false.
decimalSymbol(string): Character that will act as a decimal point. Defaults to ','.
decimalLimit(number): How many digits to allow after the decimal. Defaults to 2.
integerLimit(number): Limit the length of the integer number. Defaults to null for unlimited.
requireDecimal(boolean): Whether or not to always include a decimal point and placeholder for decimal digits after the integer. Defaults to false.
allowNegative(boolean): Whether or not to allow negative numbers. Defaults to true.
disallowLeadingZeroes(boolean): Whether or not to allow leading zeroes. Defaults to false.

Custom number mask usage

The number mask is included and can be set with the number_mask property.

// 1. Use the desired configurations
const numberMask = {
prefix: '',
suffix: ',- kr'
// 2. Then pass 'numberMask' to the InputMasked component as the number_mask
<InputMasked number_mask={numberMask} ... />

But in case you have to create the mask by yourself, you can do so:

import createNumberMask from '@dnb/eufemia/components/input-masked/addons/createNumberMask'
// 1. Create the 'numberMask' with your desired configurations
const numberMask = createNumberMask({
prefix: '',
suffix: ',- kr'
// 2. Then pass 'numberMask' to the InputMasked component as the mask
<InputMasked mask={numberMask} ... />

Email mask

import emailMask from '@dnb/eufemia/components/input-masked/addons/emailMask'

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